Sunday, April 4, 2010


Well, time has nearly caught us. After years of planning, we are nearly away and it seemed about time that we posted something informative on here.

We are landing in LA on the morning of the 7th of April, after a 13 hour flight, passing backwards over the International Date Line. When people say they're going to have a long day, this is the type of day they mean. From midnight to midnight, our day will be 41 hours.

We will be spendinga few days in LA-la-land for two reasons: 1) There are some landmarks and local attactions worth seeing here and; 2) We need to find a cheap, reliable car (preferably a van). Once this is done, we will be striking out Northward, following the coast through Malibu and towards San Francisco.

On the map above, we have marked our tentatively-planned route in a blue line, running clockwise (because it's the Northern Hemisphere-lol). This route should see us pass through many of California's historic locations and National and State Parks.

We'll keep you updated day-by-day.


  1. Will miss you guys. Love you guys. Hope you have the trip of a lifetime!!!

  2. wow, will wait in anticip.........ation for your first posting in the great new land.

    long live love s 'n l

  3. Have a great trip.
    Email me when you arrive.
    Amber misses you already.

  4. Hello, you nomads! Did you know....Downey is the home of the world's oldest McDonalds!!! (built 1953). Gotta eat there, right? And it is where the first Taco Bell restaurant opened. It also happens to be where Richard & Karen Carpenter (of The Carpenters fame) grew up. If you were so led you could go see the Carpenters exhibition at the Downey City Library. Just thought you might find this junk interesting!!!! Have fun. Lottsa love.
